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Everyone wants a white smile. Unfortunately though, many of us have stains on our teeth that prevent us from having the smile we want.

Not all stains are equal however. First, there are extrinsic stains, which are the stains on the surface of the enamel. Your dentist can easily remove them with a scale and polish. Then there are intrinsic stains, which in contrast are generally caused by an illness or a long-term medication, and cannot be removed.

In this post, we’ll be sharing a few tips with you on how to take care of extrinsic stains so that you can get a sparkling white smile. So to prevent future stains and maintain a white smile, follow these simple tips.

1. Maintain a good dental hygiene routine

The key to most oral problems is good brushing. By using a good brushing technique and by brushing twice a day, you can remove most stains and keep your teeth nice and clean. You should also floss and use mouthwash regularly to clean away any food particles that could cause stains.

2. Limit your intake of staining drinks

Limit your intake of drinks that cause stains. These drinks include tea, coffee, cola, and red wine. If you do want to have one of these drinks, then you can limit the stains by having a sip of water afterwards. Drinking with a straw is another good idea to prevent stains.

3. Limit your intake of staining foods

Limit your intake of the foods that stain, such as beets and spices. As mentioned before, it’s also a good idea to have a sip of water after eating foods that stain.

4. Eat fibrous foods

It’s a good idea to include fibrous foods in your diet because they have a cleaning action on your teeth. Examples of fibrous foods are apples and celery.

5. Don’t smoke

Stay away from tobacco and smoking as they cause a lot of dental stains.

6. Use at-home whitening products

Many products exist to help you whiten your teeth at home. For example, there are whitening mouthwashes, which not only whiten teeth and prevent stains, but also have the added benefit of freshening your breath.

Then there’s whitening toothpaste. These types of toothpaste can remove surface stains to give you a brighter smile while also protecting you against cavities. However, take care not to use them over the long-term because they can prematurely wear down your enamel.

7. Get a scale and polish

Last but not the least, one of the best things you can do to whiten your teeth is to get your teeth cleaned by a dental professional. This is called a scale and polish, and getting one every six months will give you a perfect gleaming white smile.

In summary…

Many foods and drinks can stain your teeth, including tea, coffee, red wine, and spicy foods. However, a dentist can remove the stains, so it can be reversed. You can also help remove stains and whiten your teeth at home with the use of whitening products.

That’s all about stains for now. Hope you always have a stain-free smile!


“You are what you eat”. When it comes to your dental health, this saying couldn’t be truer. Many foods, especially those high in sugar, can contribute to cavities and tooth decay. What’s more, when your diet is bad, the teeth are one of the first areas of your body that gets affected.

So, if you want to improve your dental health through your diet, then read on, as this blog post will provide a list of healthy food choices.

1. Apples

Will eating an apple a day keep the doctor away? Probably not, but apples are beneficial for your teeth. For example, apples are high in fibre, which stimulates your gums. They’re also high in water, which neutralises acidity and washes away any food particles. Finally, the act of munching on an apple produces saliva, which kills bacteria.

2. Celery

Celery is known as a good food to lose weight with because it contains few calories. However, it’s also a good food for your teeth too. That’s because it’s very fibrous, which makes it bit like a natural toothbrush: the fibrous strings scrape bacteria away from your teeth and gums. And as if that wasn’t enough, celery is also high in vitamins A and C, which are both needed for healthy gums.

3. Carrots

Another food high in fibre is carrots, making them also act like a natural toothbrush. What’s more, they’re high in vitamin a, an antioxidant needed for good gum health. So act like Bugs Bunny and eat more carrots!

4. Almonds

Almonds are beneficial for the teeth because they’re high in calcium, which is a mineral needed for strong bones and teeth. Almonds are also very low in sugar. Why not eat almonds as a snack or add some to a salad?

5. Leafy greens

Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are great for your oral health. That’s because they’re packed full of vitamins and minerals. For example, they’re high in folic acid, which is believed to promote gum health.

6. Cheese

If you love eating cheese, then you now have another reason to do so: cheese has been shown to reduce acidity in the mouth, thus reducing your risk of cavities. The way it does this is unclear, but it’s thought that the act of chewing on cheese produces a lot of saliva.

7. Yoghurt

Another great food to eat is yoghurt. It’s high in calcium, which of course is needed for strong teeth. Yoghurt also contains probiotics, which are good for your oral health because they crowd out the bad bacteria in your mouth. However, if you do eat yoghurt, then go for plain yoghurt with no added sugar.

8. Eggs

Finally, if none of these foods takes your fancy, then how about a good old-fashioned hardboiled egg? One reason eggs are good for your teeth is that they’re high in phosphorus, which is a mineral that your body needs to keep your teeth strong. Eggs are also high in vitamin D, which helps your body to absorb calcium.


Remember, a healthy diet is only part of a good oral hygiene routine. To keep your teeth healthy and strong, you also have to brush them twice a day, as well as see your dentist regularly for check-ups.


Looking after a baby can be difficult, especially if you’re a first-time parent. On top of all the natural worries and concerns that come with parenthood, you’ve also got your baby’s teeth to think about.

So, in this blog post, we’ll answer some of our patients’ most frequently asked questions about how to look after a baby’s teeth.

When should I start brushing my baby’s teeth?

Most dentists recommend starting brushing a baby’s teeth as soon as the first tooth starts to appear. This is typically around six months of age.

How should I brush my babies teeth?

  • Brush twice today. You should brush your baby’s teeth twice today, preferably in the morning and before bedtime.
  • Only use a very small amount of toothpaste. It can be dangerous if your baby swallows a lot of toothpaste, so only use a tiny amount. The amount of toothpaste you use should only be about the size of a grain of rice.
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste. Many toothpastes for babies don’t contain any fluoride. However, this is a shame because fluoride helps to prevent cavities and strengthens enamel. So, check the packet of your baby’s toothpaste to make sure it contains fluoride.
  • Use a baby toothbrush. Toothbrushes for babies come with very soft bristles and a small head, which is perfect for the mouths of little ones.
  • Brush gently. Using the toothbrush and toothpaste, brush gently around each tooth. There’s no need to rinse the baby’s mouth afterwards since you’ll be using only a tiny amount of toothpaste.

At what age should a baby start going to the dentist?

Ideally, you should take your baby to the dentist within the first six months of the eruption of the first teeth or before the baby’s first birthday, whichever comes first. Even if there are no signs of any problems, it’s good to start taking children to the dentist early because it gets them used to the sights and sounds of the dental clinic.

Are there any foods that my baby should avoid?

Firstly, babies should avoid all foods containing added sugar because these can cause cavities. These are foods such as cakes, cookies, juice drinks, soft drinks, ice cream and some yoghurts.

In addition, you should be careful with foods that are naturally high in sugar. These include fruit, dried fruits, and fruit juice. Although fruit is healthy when eaten in moderate amounts, your baby should not be eating large amounts of fruit every day. Also, fruit juice should be off-limits for the babies under the age of one year because of the amount of sugar it contains.

Does my baby need fluoride?

Yes, your baby does need fluoride. This is because fluoride helps to prevent cavities, not just in adults but for babies as well. Fluoride is found in most brands of toothpaste as well as in drinking water in some parts of the UK.

However, while some fluoride is good for babies, too much fluoride is not, as it can lead to a condition known as fluorosis. With this condition, white spots will appear on your child’s adult teeth. This is why you should only use a small dab of toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth until your child is old enough to learn to spit the toothpaste out.

Call us for an appointment

If you’d like to make an appointment for your baby to see a dentist, then don’t hesitate to call us. One of our friendly receptionists will be more than happy to book an appointment for you!



Do you know your canines from your crowns? Can you tell your molars from your premolars? If you can’t, then don’t worry; in this post, we’ll go over these types of teeth as well as some of the other parts of your mouth. So if you didn’t pay enough attention to Science during school, now’s the time to catch up!

Types of teeth

  • Incisors. These are your front teeth. You have four incisors in your top jaw and four more in your bottom jaw. They’re frequently described as “chisel shaped” because they’re sharp, although you could also think of them as little knives, because their role is to cut the food that you eat.
  • Canines. No, we’re not talking about dogs; we’re talking about the teeth next to your incisors. They’re shaped like points, making them useful for tearing food. Dracula had large canines, as do most carnivores.
  • Premolars. These are the teeth next to your canines. We each have eight premolars: two in each jaw on each side of the mouth. Premolars are basically a hybrid between canines and molars; they’re good at grinding food and they’re also good for tearing too.
  • Molars. These are the teeth at the back of your mouth. They’re large and relatively flat, making them good for chewing. We each have twelve molars: three in each jaw on each side of the mouth. The third molar is commonly called the wisdom tooth, and it’s this tooth that often causes the most trouble.

Parts of your teeth

  • Enamel. Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth. It’s extremely hard and durable, allowing your teeth to last a lifetime. However, your enamel is also susceptible to decay from bacteria, which is why it’s important to brush and floss regularly.
  • Dentin. Underneath the enamel layer is a layer called dentin. Dentin is made of living tissue. It communicates with the nerves in your teeth to tell you when you should be feeling pain.
  • Pulp. The pulp is the soft centre of the tooth. It’s where the blood vessels and nerves are found. If decay reaches your pulp then you may need a root canal, which is all the more reason to look after your teeth properly!
  • Root. The root is the part of the tooth that keeps your tooth held firmly in place in your jaw.

Other parts of your mouth

  • Gums. Your gums are made of soft tissue and they serve as a barrier to protect the tissue underneath. They also surround your teeth and provide a tight seal around them. Healthy gums are usually a coral pink colour, so red gums can be a sign of early gum disease.
  • Gum line. This is the line where your teeth and gums meet. It’s also the place where plaque often builds up if you’re not careful, which can lead to gum disease.


As you’ve seen, your mouth is full of different parts, all of which work together to help you to eat, talk and smile. Hopefully, you have a new appreciation for your teeth and you’ll look after them to keep them safe and healthy!


Age brings wisdom, or so they say. Another thing age brings is your wisdom teeth. These are molars that erupt in your late teens or early twenties. However, sometimes wisdom teeth fail to erupt; sometimes they grow sideways instead, where they push against the adjacent teeth. This is called ‘impaction‘ and it’s one of the most common reasons for why people need their wisdom teeth removed.

If you’re undergoing wisdom tooth surgery, then we’ve written this post for you. We’ll discuss what you should expect from wisdom tooth removal surgery and the best ways to recover from surgery quickly.

What’s the procedure for wisdom tooth removal like?

First, the surgeon will give you an anaesthetic so that you don’t feel any pain. Usually, this will be local anaesthesia, which the surgeon will inject at the site of extraction. In some cases, however, you might be offered general anaesthesia. This is where you lose consciousness so that lyou won’t be awake during the procedure.

Next, your surgeon will make an incision into the gum to expose the wisdom tooth. The surgeon will then remove any bone blocking the tooth before removing the wisdom tooth from your mouth.

Finally, the dentist will clean the extraction site and may choose to stitch the wound closed.

What’s the best way to recover from wisdom tooth extraction surgery?

Recovering from wisdom tooth surgery isn’t a walk in the park. Follow these tips to help you recover as quickly as possible.

  • Activity: Once the surgery is over, you’ll be expected to return home to rest. It’s not a good idea to go immediately back to work because your body will need to recover from the surgery. You should be able to resume normal activities the day after the surgery. However, do avoid physical activity for a least a week, because any strenuous activity could dislodge the blood clot from the extraction site.
  • Drinks. Remember to drink lots of water after the surgery. However, don’t drink alcohol, coffee, tea, or fizzy drinks. It’s also advised not to drink from a straw, because this could dislodge the blood clot from the extraction site.
  • Food. Avoid eating hard foods for at least the first twenty-four hours after surgery as these could irritate your wound. Also, avoid chewy foods as these could get stuck in the extraction site. The best foods to eat are soft foods like applesauce and yoghurt.
  • Oral care. Although dentists normally recommend their patients to brush their teeth twice a day, those who have just had their wisdom teeth removed are the exception. This is because they should refrain from brushing their teeth for the first 24 hours after surgery, as it could dislodge the blood clot. So instead of brushing, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water, as this will keep your mouth clean without irritating the wound.

If you think you need a wisdom tooth extracted, then call us on 020 8428 3769. Our professional and experienced team are here to help you.


No-one likes morning breath. It’s an embarrassing problem that can make you feel self-conscious and depressed – definitely not what you want first thing in the morning! However, nearly everyone has had morning breath at some point in their lives and it can be fixed if you know what the cause is. So, read on to find out what’s causing your morning breath and take the first step towards a more pleasant morning!

Causes of morning breath

Morning breath has several causes. These include:

  • Poor oral hygiene. The most common cause of bad breath is a lack of proper oral hygiene. This is when you don’t brush your teeth enough, bacteria build up in your mouth and they release smelly odours.
  • Smoking. Tobacco is another common cause of morning breath. After all, everyone has heard of smoker’s breath, which is the unpleasant smell of chemicals and tobacco in a smoker’s mouth.
  • Dry mouth. Saliva helps to prevent bad breath because it kills bacteria and washes away food particles. However, our saliva production naturally decreases during the night, which is why so many people suffer from morning breath without an obvious cause.
  • Medications. Some medications cause dry mouth, which in turn leads to bad breath.
  • Alcohol. Another cause of morning breath is alcohol. All alcoholic drinks, like beer and wine, make your breath smell bad because they cause dry mouth.
  • Food. Of course, some foods can cause bad breath. Onion, garlic and spices can all give your breath a bad odour if you’ve eaten them the night before.

Solutions to morning breath

If you have morning breath, then don’t worry – there are a few simple things you can do to get rid of it.

  • Brush your teeth. The first thing you should do is brush your teeth. This will get rid of any particles in your mouth that are causing your bad breath. Also, many kinds of toothpaste are flavoured, which will help to mask the smell. Your mouth will be feeling fresher in no time!
  • Rinse your mouth with mouthwash. If you can’t brush your teeth right away, then the next best thing is to give your mouth a quick rinse with mouthwash. This has three benefits: it washes away any leftover food particles, it helps cover up the smell of bad breath, and it also kills the bacteria that cause bad breath in the first place. What’s not to love?
  • Drink water. As explained above, a common cause of bad breath is dry mouth. The simple solution to a dry mouth is to have a drink of water. It will instantly make your mouth less dry and slowly rehydrate you as the water makes its way through your body.
  • Chew gum. If you have any chewing gum handy, you’re in luck – it’s is the perfect thing to get your saliva flowing. But do try to use sugar-free gum if possible, as it’s better for your teeth than gum that contains sugar.
  • Chew parsley. Did you know that parsley can alleviate bad breath? A quick chew on a small sprig of parsley is a quick and effective way to freshen your breath.
  • Look after your teeth. If the cause of your bad breath is bacteria, then the solution is to simply improve your oral hygiene habits. This means brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.


People can catch the flu at any time of the year. When it happens to you, all you’ll want to do is rest in bed until you’re better. Your dental health will probably be the last thing on your mind.

However, taking care of your teeth is important, especially when you’re sick. Did you know there are a few simple things you can do when you’re ill to take care of your oral health? Read on to find out more.

Stay hydrated

Remember to drink plenty of fluids when you’re sick. This will keep you hydrated and will also prevent dry mouth, a condition that can put you at a greater risk of cavities.

Pick the right fluids

What type of beverage is best when you’re ill? The answer isn’t that surprising: it’s water. In fact, water is the best beverage even when you’re not sick. That’s because it has a neutral pH that reduces acidity in your mouth. And of course, water is also sugar-free.

You might be tempted to chug down cup after cup of tea to warm you up. This can help you feel better, but do keep in mind that tea can stain your teeth when you drink it every day.

Don’t add sugar or lemon to your fluids

You might think that a spoon of sugar or a slice of lemon in your drink will help you get better. The truth is that it’s bad for your teeth: sugar can cause cavities while lemon is acidic.

Buy sugar-free cough drops

Cough drops are a good idea when you’re sick because they help to prevent dry mouth. But do make sure you buy the sugar-free versions of cough drops. This is because regular cough drops contain around three to four grams of sugar, which is the same amount as many types of sweets! The sugar in them will simply feed the bacteria in your mouth that cause plaque and decay. So remember – sugar-free is the way to go.

Don’t share your toothbrush

When you brush your teeth, you leave behind tiny droplets of saliva on your toothbrush that contain the flu virus. The flu virus can then live on your toothbrush for up to 72 hours. If someone else were to use your toothbrush, there is a very high chance they would contract the virus and fall sick as well. So if you have the flu, then don’t let anyone else use your toothbrush. Toothbrush sharing helps the flu virus to spread.

Don’t brush your teeth after vomiting

One unpleasant symptom of the flu is vomiting. Did you know that when you vomit, your stomach acids come into contact with your teeth and temporarily make them vulnerable? This is why it’s important not to brush your teeth immediately after vomiting. Brushing your teeth at this point could wear some of your enamel away. So instead of brushing, simply rinse your mouth with water and then wait for half an hour before brushing.


Your toothbrush and toothpaste are the cornerstone of your dental hygiene routine. They’re also the key for avoiding dental problems. Therefore, you want to make sure that you’re using a good toothpaste.

But there’s so many different kinds of toothpaste on the market that it’s almost impossible to know which one is the best. There’s whitening toothpaste, anti-cavity toothpaste, toothpaste designed to protect your gums, toothpaste for sensitive teeth, flavoured toothpaste… the list goes on. So in this post, we’ll clear up the confusion and help you to decide which toothpaste is right for you.


Which toothpaste is best?

The truth is that there is no one best toothpaste. Instead, you need to choose a toothpaste that best suits your own individual needs. This means the best toothpaste for you might not be the best toothpaste for your partner or your children.


So how do I decide which toothpaste is right for me?

To find the toothpaste best suited to your needs, you first need to decice what your needs are. Do you want to whiten your teeth? Do you want to take extra precautions against cavities? Or do you need a toothpaste that’s kind on your sensitive teeth?

If you frequently suffer from cavities, then you should choose a toothpaste high in fluoride and calcium. These two minerals help to prevent cavities by strengthening enamel. Ideally, you should choose a toothpaste with a fluoride level of 1,450 ppm or higher.

If you have diabetes, then you’ll also need a toothpaste high in fluoride. This is because diabetics are at a higher risk of a mouth infection than the general population.

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, then you should avoid whitening toothpaste. This is because whitening toothpaste contains aggressive abrasives that can damage your enamel and make your teeth even more sensitive. Manufacturers of whitening toothpastes include these abrasives because they’re supposed to polish the surface of your teeth and remove surface stains. However, the abrasives can also cause your teeth to become more sensitive. For this reason, if you have sensitive teeth, your best option is to look for a toothpaste that regenerates your enamel instead of wearing your enamel down

If it’s whiter teeth you’re after, the best option is to undergo a teeth whitening treatment at a dental clinic. We don’t recommend whitening toothpaste because the effects doesn’t last long and people are rarely happy with the results. What’s more, whitening toothpaste contains aggressive abrasives that wear down your enamel over time.

If you suffer from inflamed or bleeding gums, then you should opt for a toothpaste especially designed to combat gingivitis.

Children under the age of three should avoid toothpaste high in fluoride. You should also only use a small smear of toothpaste to clean their teeth.

Children over the age of three can use adult toothpaste, as long as they use no more than a pea-sized amount at a time. Some toothpastes are flavoured and this can be a good way to get kids enthusiastic about brushing their teeth. Let your children choose a flavour they like, such as strawberry or bubble-gum. Just make sure that your children understand they’re not meant to swallow the toothpaste.


Still have questions?

If you’d like to discuss any dental issue with us, whether it’s toothpaste or anything else, then don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a member of our friendly dental team.


Sometimes when you look in the mirror, you might notice stains on your teeth that you didn’t have before. Where do these stains come from? In this month’s blog post, we’ll discuss the causes of teeth stains as well as what you can do to avoid stains in the future.

What causes teeth stains?

The causes of teeth stains include:

  • Smoking is one of the main causes of stains due to the high level of chemicals in cigarettes.
  • Coffee is another major cause of teeth stains. This is because coffee contains dark-coloured pigments that can easily become embedded in the ridges and cracks of your teeth.
  • Certain foods and drinks, such as red wine, blueberries, beets, soy sauce and curries, can stain your teeth.
  • Aging can make your teeth yellow. This is because our enamel becomes thinner as we age. This exposes the underlying dentin, which is a yellow colour. Although age-related discoloration isn’t technically a stain, it can still be disheartening to see your teeth becoming yellow as you get older.

Tips to avoid stains on your teeth

To avoid teeth stains, take these tips into consideration.

  • Keep your teeth clean. It’s advisable to brush your teeth at least twice times a day and, if possible, with an electric toothbrush.
  • Use a soft toothbrush. The use of a toothbrush with hard bristles can prematurely wear down the enamel on your teeth, which in turn makes the yellow dentin underneath more visible.
  • Use floss. Teeth often get stained on the sides, which is due to plaque that builds up on the surface on the teeth. The daily use of floss will help prevent plaque from accumulating on your teeth and will therefore help to prevent stains.
  • Stop smoking. It’s not easy, but giving up smoking will improve your smile and prevent you fromgetting smoker’s teeth.
  • Control your diet. Reducing your consumption of certain foods and drinks will help reduce stains. These include tea, coffee, and wine.
  • Drink with a straw. Drinking soft drinks, smoothies and fruit juices through a straw reduces your exposure to the staining substances in drinks.
  • Get your teeth cleaned regularly. A professional teeth cleaning is an excellent way to remove stains and keep your mouth clean and healthy. For that reason, we recommend that you get your teeth cleaned regularly by your dentist.
  • Avoid abrasion. Some people recommend brushing your teeth with baking soda as a way to remove stains and whiten your teeth. However, this is actually counter-productive, because baking soda is abrasive and will damage your enamel. This in turn will make your teeth yellow in the long-term because it makes the underlying dentin more visible. We also don’t recommend whitening toothpaste, as it can also damage your enamel.

What can I do about stains on my teeth?

Often, staining pigments become so embedded into your teeth that you can’t remove them by brushing. If this is the case, a dentist can perform a professional cleaning of your teeth to remove food and drinks stains. Contact us if this is something your interested in.

Do keep in mind that even the healthiest teeth are not always 100{f3cbf6ee4c2bf74284ff645d919e2d7444bc2ff84a9815f68a7ec3cea6db0d23} white. If you’re after white teeth, then you might want to consider a bleaching treatment. Bleaching brightens your teeth beyond their natural colour. This is also a service we offer at Headstone Lane Dental.

So, if you’ve noticed new stains on your teeth and you want to get rid of them, get in touch with Headstone Lane Dental. Our team of professionals will be more than happy to help you.


What are dental cavities and how do they occur?

Dental cavities, also known as tooth decay, occur when bacteria in your mouth use sugars in food and drink as a source of energy. The bacteria produce acids, commonly called ‘plaque acids’. These plaque acids are dangerous as they can dissolve your tooth surfaces. Furthermore, plaque acids form each time you consume food or drink containing sugar, which is why frequent eating or drinking throughout the day puts your teeth at risk.

The bacteria also attack where the gums and teeth meet. The gums become red and swollen and a space forms between the teeth and the gums. This is called a pocket. The pocket then fills up with plaque and can damage the fibres which hold the teeth to the bone. The bone itself is then attacked and the pocket deepens. This is called gum disease.


How can I prevent decay?

  • Reduce the amount of food and drinks containing sugar, and more importantly reduce the number of times a day that you eat or drink sugary foods and drink.
  • Try to have sugary foods and drinks only at meal times.
  • Check the labels on foods, drinks and medicines, and where possible buy products which contain less or no sugar.
  • Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes do not cause caries.


How else can caries be prevented?

Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day can remove the acid forming plaque. Remember though: spit, don’t rinse. Flossing or the use of inter-dental brushes can also remove plaque from in-between the teeth.

Brushing around crowns and bridgework can be extra difficult. The dentist or hygienist can advise you on this. It is a joint effort between the patient and dentist, it cannot be done without your co-operation.


What about fizzy drinks?

Fizzy drinks are extremely damaging to the teeth. They contain a lot of sugar and they are very acidic. Acids dissolve the surface of the tooth and the tooth wears away quicker than it would do if it was not exposed to fizzy drinks. This is called erosion. Even diet or low-calorie fizzy drinks still contain the same acids as other fizzy drinks and cause the same damage.


How can I prevent erosion?

Save fizzy drinks for special occasions. Low calorie or diet cordials and squashes can be an alternative but use with caution as they can still be acidic. Better still, drink water!


What are safe snacks?

  • Non-citrus fruit and vegetables. (Avoid oranges, apples and grapes as these are acidic)
  • Carrot and celery sticks
  • Bread, savoury muffins and bagels
  • Sandwiches with a savoury filling
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Unsweetened popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Water
  • Milk
  • Unsweetened tea or coffee


What is the role of saliva?

Saliva helps neutralise the plaque acids in the mouth and can prevent decay from occurring. Chewing sugar-free gum after eating stimulates saliva production and can help prevent decay. The flow of saliva is reduced when you are asleep. For that reason, you should never have fizzy drinks or sugary snacks and drinks at bed-time.